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Kitchen Towels with Snaps Project

Projects that are functional as well as good looking are always tops on our list. So, when we came up with the idea to add a couple of Dritz plastic snaps to ready-made kitchen towels, we just had to share. Better yet, we’re giving you two options when it comes to installing the snaps.  You can sew a coordinating fabric topper to the towel first or go the no-sew route and simply apply a couple of snaps directly to your towel. Choices!

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Dritz kitchen snap towel project


Step 1: Open towel and measure width of towel. Divide that measurement by 4. Place towel front side down on work surface, fold each side in the depth of the divided measurement towards the middle. Both edges of the towel will meet in the middle. Press lightly, if desired.

Dritz kitchen snap towel project


Step 2: Fold towel in half lengthwise, so bottom edges meet, and edges are inside the fold. Baste at ¼” across the top folded edge. Tip: if bottom edges are not completely even, fold so the front of the towel is slightly longer than the back.


kitchen towel with snaps


Step 3: Measure basted edge of towel. Add 1-1/4” to that measurement for the cut width of your fabric. Using ruler, rotary cutter, and mat, cut a piece of fabric and interfacing 17” x cut width for fabric topper. Fuse interfacing to back of fabric piece. Press one of the short sides up ½” with Ezy-Hem gauge.


kitchen towel with snap project

Step 4: Starting 5/8” in from corners, line up basted edge of towel with raw edge of other short side; front of towel is facing right side of fabric topper and centered. Stitch together with ½” seam. Press seam toward fabric topper.


kitchen towel with snap project



Step 5: Fold fabric topper in half, right sides together, so pressed hem and stitching line up. Pin sides. Stitch each side with ½” seam. Trim and grade seams and corners.


kitchen towel with snaps project dritz


Step 6: Turn fabric topper right side out. Use point turner to push out corners. Press edges. Pin opening so pressed hem lines up with stitching line. Edgestitch to secure. (Tip: Use Stitch Witchery® to close opening before stitching. No pins are required!)


kitchen towel with snaps project dritz


Step 7: On front of fabric topper, mark positions for snaps about 3/4” up and 3/4” in from edge.


dritz kitchen towel with snaps project


Step 8: Fold fabric topper to back, lining up lower edges. Use the awl that comes in the pliers package to make holes through both layers at marks on each side.


kitchen towel with dritz snaps project


Step 9: Install snaps in holes following package instructions.


kitchen towel with dritz plastic snaps project


Hang these beauties up and say bye-bye to towels that fall on the floor or end up in a crumpled pile on the counter. They’re super cute!


kitchen towel with dritz snaps project


 No-sew Snap-Top Kitchen Towels

If you don’t want to do any sewing at all, this is a great option. This project is super easy – it basically requires the installation of a couple of snaps, but it accomplishes the same thing as the fabric-topped towels (keeping your kitchen towels in place).

kitchen towel with dritz snaps project


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Step 1: Place towel over oven handle or towel bar and mark desired position of snap on one side of the towel. Be sure to mark front and back of towel. Use ruler to mark position of snaps on other side of towel. Be sure snaps are parallel to each other and the same distance apart on the edge of the towel.


kitchen towels with dritz snaps project


Step 2: Apply snaps at marks with pliers following package instructions.


ktichen towel snap project


You get the same result as the fabric topped version … easy to hang and always at-hand!


kitchen towel with dritz snaps project


An easy update to kitchen towels or what? Regardless of which option you choose, you’re adding some real function in the kitchen (no more stray towels!). And the choices you have with fabrics and snap colors really gives you the opportunity to add some personal flair, too.


kitchen towel with dritz snaps project

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